Thursday 17 February 2011

This afternoon did get better!

A beautiful women smiles knowingly as she passes us. Traditionally dressed and aware of her beauty she walks away leaving us this fleeting image as she disappears into the Medina. Around every corner is another surprise.
We walked all afternoon through crowded streets and busy squares, back alleys and ghettos, modern high streets and shopping malls. We keep finding more Bab's ( Gate's ) into and out of the old walled city of Meknes, completing a circle of the old town where our van waits patiently for us. It hasn't moved since we arrived last Monday!
Tired, we thought our day was over but there were too many people walking across the square so we had to investigate. Town was heaving and traditionally dressed men were gathering around flags and horses. Trumpets sounded and a grand procession was under way. We were in the thick of it and were taken along in the push of the crowds to the sound of chanting, drumming and horns. Unbelievable! We're in the thick of a huge celebration and everyone is happy and friendly. The din of the horns and the bang of the drums evoked an atmosphere more akin to Tibet. The dancers swayed rhythmically and at times jumped in the air, all led by an enormous fellow and his unmistakeable son.
The whole procession moved into ever narrowing streets and the crowd became intense. We were carried along on a wave of celebrations that took all our might to escape. To the smiles of some! We slowly headed back to the van in a daze of amazement, thankful for a mysterious and exciting day. Is this really happening to us? Or is that dream time becoming more blurred than ever.
Whatever is happening, we don't want to wake up, or go to sleep again!

Row, row, row the boat,
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream


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