Saturday 26 February 2011

From Fez to Azrou

Friday 25th Feb

Another warm and sunny day! After breakfast we went into the Medina to look for a Haman we thought was open to men and women at the same time! Not together I hasten to add, just …. At the same time. It was not to be as all the hamans in fez except one which was closed, operate on a men in the morning, women in the afternoon basis ! So we didn’t bother but were prepared to give it a try. Another time. We just wandered the old town for ages , getting lost( not really ) then finding ourselves again. Having a nos nos ( coffee half n half with milk ), chatting to the locals who were lovely, giving the touts what they deserve and making friends with them! ( quite an achievment ) . Having a great chat with Mohammed at the henna souk, that’s Mohammed who works for Mohammed who took us for lunch yesterday! He spoke English and is muslim to the core, little beard, hat all that stuff. Walked till we could take no more and returned to the van, packed up and said our goodbyes to Fez, Feztastic!

A hectic exit out of this large town took us eventually to the countryside and up, up and away into the middle atlas mountains. Snow peaks in the distance, cherry and fruit trees lined the hills as we climbed higher into cedar forests. Beautiful scenery, hot sunshine with the van going well. We grinned with delight, reminding ourselves that we are so fortunate to experience this adventure. Higher and higher we drive through the town of Ifrane, which wouldn’t look out of place in the Alps. The king has a place here and its very posh, very strange. On we drive up into the skiing area which still has plenty of snow lying and people having fun as we would in the Black Mountain. From moonscape to cedar forest, snow poles line the road, mountains all around and the sun keeps on shining.

Then what goes up must come down and down and down through thick tall cedars into the town of Azrou. Krysia spots a large monkey sitting on a parked car as we descend, I keep my eyes on the road!

We find a lovely campsite in a cherry orchard and park with other campers underneath them. Hot showers heated by a woodstove, lovely local man who runs the place speaks only his native tongue and we are very happy to be here.

Internet is not happening here so I’ll have to post this when I can!


All our love

Ali baba and Fatima ( or is that Thinima! )

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