Thursday 17 February 2011

Daily life in Meknes

Locals cross the square, ambling to and fro to their daily business. Here we sit in the middle of it, watching and listening to all the sights and sounds that swirl around us. Yesterday morning at 5 am I woke and prepared myself to record the beautiful mueddin. We are parked right next to a Mosque and at that time of day the singing call to prayer is magical. The caller warmed up with quieter chanting for 10 minutes before breaking into full voice at full volume. As soon as he started, the whole city joined in! From all directions the Allah Akbar merged into a cacophony of musical chant. We have not experienced such intimacy with the local traditions before this. We are the only camper here, unlike in other southern towns where one can feel like part of an invading hoard. Meknes is proving to be an amazing start to our journey.
We wandered the old town and got lost, as you do! We were guided out by a local, through dark alleys and crumbling walls ( its the remains of the old palace grounds ). We watched entertainers capturing the attention of crowds, bought a handmade embroided tablecloth, ate in the main square and mixed with laughing, happy people. We stood by while a protest march passed! Peacefully!! Ending our day with a 2 hour chat on Skype with Jaimie in Bristol and Adam in Tazmania!!
Could it actually get any better than this?
Here and now, life is good.
Long may we keep in touch.
Ted and Krysia

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