Tuesday 22 February 2011

Lunch in Moulay Idriss

Monday 21st Feb. Hot sunny weather today. Lovely stuff.
After a spot of washing and sunbathing! we set off on the motorbike for supplies, lunch and an adventure. As we drove slowly into Moulay Idriss, this charming chap pictured with me here, came running out of his tiny cafe and waved us down to eat in his place! Now, how did he know we were hungry? and even though this was the first cafe in town, I stopped! He helped us off the bike with squeels of delight and much handshaking and back patting. He even kissed me on the cheek, through my helmet! A little overwhelmed, we sat down and were hailed with love and kindness followed by mint tea. Lots of it! And what's to eat? we eventually got round to. Kefta targine of course. Do i ask how much? It seems a little rude when we are being treated like royalty. So no, I don't ask! And we chat in Arabic, well learn words like half and good, hello and thank god for the food etc, etc, while he cooks the kefta and vegetables. He doesn't stop smiling and giving us looks of joy! He really is a lovely fellow. The targine is served with bread of course and armed only with our hands, we dive into the delicious meal. We haven't eaten beef for many years now but I have to say, it was simply yummy. Trying to be a vegetarian here would be missing the point. This food was cooked with love. We watched and felt it. You can't get better food than that! More kefta's were heaped onto the plate and we ate until we couldn't, no please, no more!! More mint tea and joy and when it comes to the bill? 30 Dirhams each , thats £2.25!!!!!!
Our day was not over yet! On up into the hills behind we drove, into the past, with shepherds everywhere and small villages hugging the mountains.

The road got rougher and rougher as we climbed, turning right at any crossroads we came to, the theory being that if we keep turning right, we'll end up at Sidi Ali, the crazy fete town! On for miles we drove, through beautiful landscape, passed friendly folk, ceder woods and Broad Bean meadows! until we finally came to a sign that said Sidi Ali. After stopping for a rest on the mountainside, surrounded by sheep and their shepherds, we went slowly down the hillsides, through small villages , ending up in the mayhem of the 5 day fete. At walking pace, we went right through it, in awe and wonder at the sights we were passing! Out the other side and down to the campsite to settle in to the sound of flutes, horns and shouting, all emanating from Sidi Ali.
An early night for us, after a vege targine!
What a lovely day. We are so blessed.
Ted and Krysia

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