Saturday 12 February 2011


10th Feb

It's 7 pm and we're settled into a pleasant campsite in Salamanca. We stayed here last year as its a good staging post for Algeciras, where we'll catch the ferry for Morocco. It's been really warm today and sunny! The crossing was smooth after we passed the English channel and we woke to calm seas with a pleasant ground swell to lull us into today's dreamy state. I've been vividly dreaming since we left. At Plymouth, I had a lovely chat with Mike Kilburn, who died last year! It was lovely to spend a while with him on Mumbles hill on a fine sunny day. I also met one of the Croft twins, which one's which I've never known! And he and I also had a pleasant chat. He's still alive as is his brother. Good health to them both.

Last night, I was convinced I wasn't able to get to sleep and had a long chat with Chinch about it! On how to get to sleep etc. Then I woke up to realize that of course I had slept! It can be quite hard to know what's a dream and what's not.

The calm seas blended seamlessly into calm plains as we sped over endless northern Spain. It's so different to home. So much empty space! Goes on forever.

As we chatted to Jaimie at sunset ( on the phone ) , two large Storks flew over us and landed in their nest, which sits above us in the campsite. We'll say good morning to them before we leave.

I wonder who I might meet tonight? Maybe it will be you! I hope so.



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