Saturday 2 April 2011

Two very different days

1st and 2nd April

Written from a campsite in Ouarzazate

Yesterday was a long and lovely day! With Mohamed in charge of the proceedings, we set off laden with supplies to the Cascade D'Ouzoud. A drive of 50 miles or so, we set off at 9 am with Mustapha following, with Abdul Ali, Lahabib, Tarik and Houria, in his car. A smooth drive up into the mountains on good roads and we find ourselves in a beautiful valley. At the end of the road is a rather touristy area of campsites, shops and cafes. Well this a favorite destination for many people both foreign and local and we are told, gets very busy but not today thank goodness. So with targine, many meats, drinks and charcoal, we start the long haul down the souvenir lined steps to the bottom of the gorge. This beautiful cascade is hidden from view until you are upon it. What a view, as we descend, the true majesty is revealed and why so many people come here becomes obvious. Every spare piece of land is made flat, mats put down and cafes or just plane picnic areas are there for all to enjoy. Mohamed picks us a spot right in front of the falls, what a view under the shade of a tree with fine mist from the crashing water gently moistening our overheating bodies! Charcoal is lit and meats are prepared while we sit in awe of the place we find ourselves in today. In between eating, which is as usual very often we chat, take a barrel barge around the falls, walk around the ponds and visit the monkeys which inhabit the cliffs here.

We even find time to have a nap which, is much needed, as from the word go here with the family, we are instantly swallowed into eating and talking from morning til night.So the day passes delightfully and we leave the falls at dusk after having a needed shower in a campsite! Getting back to the house at 8.30 where the rest of the family are waiting to have more chats and more food! They are a lovely bunch of people but we are looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet.So today, with all last minute reasons to stay longer ignored and firm conviction, we set off in the blazing heat towards the desert. We've driven the tichka pass once before and its as awesome as we remembered, it gets cooler as we climb and stop for a snack at the Tichka pass after we'd completed the most exciting part! The van goes well, pulling up these remarkable bends and steep roads at its own pace but no slower than the lorries which take this route daily. Its only 150 kms to cross but takes 5 hours or more, the change in scenery is dramatic and we once more find ourselves in the bizarre lunar landscape of the southern desert.

We are flagged down by a couple of chaps who tell us that they have broken down and could we take a message to a house in Ouarzazate as they can't get through on the phone!?! Sounds suspicious? We reckon the address is a carpet shop and confirm this at the garage outside town. Cheeky boys, its a know ploy to get some business but crying wolf always backfires.

We're settled in to the campsite reflecting on the unique experience of the last few days. We're glad to be alone but will never forget the time we lived with the family in Attaouia. We thank them from our hearts, from saving us in the mountains to teaching us Berber but most of all, making us part of their family.

Things can only get better

Love to you all from Ted, Krysia and Adam


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