Sunday 3 April 2011

The road to Mhamid

A slow start to the day, taking our time to breakfast and prepare for the days journey. We set off at midday on the good road to Agdz. The well known trick of pretending to be broken down was tried on again, I was having none of it! He stood in the middle of the road next to his car, waving us down, making out he was in trouble. I didn't slow down and beeped the horn. A game of bluff? Well, I knew I was going to win and at the last moment he stood to one side. What did he want? To take us to a carpet shop in Agdz, the trick is so well known that the Rough Guide to Morocco has it documented on this stretch of road.
The road over the top to Agdz is stunning, a geological wonder and then down into the Draa valley and the vast length of palmeries which follow the river into the desert. Its a fine road all the way to Zagora, driving through villages made of mud and scenery from biblical times! Its awesome to see life passing by in this beautiful valley, living as it does in a method that has come from way in the past. Africa as it was and is now, all flashing before us. We are spellbound.
After Zagora, the road narrows to one cars width and the driving becomes a game of bluff as to who will go onto the hard shoulder first! The scenery changes, Acacia trees proliferate as we get further south, it must get so hot here in high summer, its hot enough today and its cloudy, thankfully. We arrive at Mhamid and go straight to the campsite, avoiding the waiting touts as we already know where we are going, a good ploy here as in many other places in Morocco. Look a little lost and you are fair game. They only want you to go to another campsite or take a camel ride, nothing sinister.
We are the furthest south we can go in this part of Morocco and its a pleasure to be here, we wish you all our love.
Ted, Krysia and Adam

ps Adam is the photographer of the day, shooting these shots while we were driving.

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