Monday 4 April 2011

As hot as it gets!

Its been a long hot, windy, dusty day here in Mhamid. The sand gets everywhere, the sun is hot and there's a mild tummy thing going on with Krysia suffering most! Its not easy conditions but its amazing to be here. The river Draa passes outside the campsite and doesn't look like its flowed in years. It must be quite a sight to see it in flood, which it does, because now its a hundred meters wide and just sand, so something must come through here and give it its shape!
We walk for a few hours into the desert, going through this frontier town and leaving the touts behind. One has to be strong, we don't want anything, just being here is enough and being hassled is just not on. We meet a swiss guy named Michael, who's ridden a bike across the desert, as you do! He's looking for a campsite so we point him towards ours. On through the back streets we go, it's just so different to our way of life. It looks so very poor here but there are 4 wheel drives all over the place and satellite dishes on the roofs. Rubbish is very evident, what do you do with it in the desert when the wind probably blows for most of the time? Bury it? Maybe!
We have a lunch in town and its good,cheap and clean, also its in the shade! I'll say it again, its so hot, mirages on the horizon, dust devils swirling and sand storms erupting frequently! We're in the sahara, we couldn't ask for more!
An afternoon spent in the campsite, washing clothes, avoiding too much sun before venturing out into town as the evening sun cools down. Adam had taken a walk on his own and had some adventures when we found him, so we three mingled with the local folk in the busy street, no hassles just lovely folk going about their business. Women swathed in colourful cloth drapes, often nothing to be seen except their eyes. Men in turbans with flowing gowns and the younger set looking a bit more modern, even if all the girls do keep their heads covered. A real Moroccan experience just like the Beynons enjoy.
We have a lovely chat with Jaimie on skype, even the video worked well so we could see each other and talk. She's so happy that we are having such wonderful adventures and encourages us to have more. Adam chats to his lovely Riek on his laptop, walking around the campsite as it has wifi. Its totally bizarre that we can communicate so well with our loved ones and be in the middle of the desert. Modern technology, amazing
So a very warm goodnight to you all
lots of love
Ted Krysia and Adam.

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