Saturday 23 April 2011

Blog number 60! The last one in Morocco 2011

Well, we've done our best to keep you all informed and entertained with our Moroccan adventures of 2011. There have been some up's and some down's but they've all added up to one incredible journey that has been at times, hard to believe that so many things could happen to two middle aged hippie types, in just 10 weeks of travelling. We're definitely feeling a bit sad as the ferry gets closer but will soon cheer up as the miles are behind us and family and friends are cuddled again. It will be lovely to see you all in the long days of early summer as it was cold, damp and dark when we left.
The highlight of the trip has been the Moroccan people, without a doubt. Such welcoming folk , so many smiles and Marhaba's, Labes's and Salam's. The beautiful faces of shepherds as they wave enthusiastically at us as we drive past is a constant joy! Shopkeepers have been ambassadors of Moroccan friendliness and ordinary folk, teachers in hospitality and kindness.
As we drove north today, eating up the kilometers, the landscape and the people changed. The countryside has become a garden of rich, green meadows and crops, reminding us of English summer countryside. Everywhere is being cultivated and used for pasture. Shepherds abound, tending their sheep and cattle even on the motorway banks. People cross the autoroute like the intrusion it has become to their normal paths and roads. They just walk across it!!! donkeys and carts wait in the central reservation for a gap to get to the other side and on with their business. People are in the fields as I imagine they were in olden times back home. Labour is cheap and plentiful here, folks are glad to have crops and cattle. Their life is simple and yet I suspect more meaningful. As we charge through the large cities of Casablanca and Rabat, all the adverts show French looking people playing game boyo's or internet liberating gizmo's, mobile phone freedom and fast as you like pizza's and cars! Modern Morocco is rushing forward with progress and money. Old Morocco waits patiently for the newbies to get it out of their systems or pass it on, 'give us some' or spread it more evenly.

We all want satellite TV don't we? and an I Phone Pad Stick Thingammeejig or............ maybe we all want/ need a little bit more honest love and relationship, family, friends and lovers. Simple times sharing simple moments. A bit of peace and quiet, a walk a chat, something to savour. Life is a gift and a blessing and in these ordinary people we've seen magic that can so easily be lost in complexity. Life is made to complicated by our desire to have more than we already have. In Morocco we have been reminded, we are so lucky, life is short and even holidays come to an end!
Thank goodness for that, I hear you say.
Lots of love
See you soon
Ted and Krysia

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