Monday 21 March 2011

A walk to the Todra Gorge and Pistenkuh

20th and 21stMarch

Yesterday's walk to the gorge was unexpected. We had thought we would go and see the old fellow in the garden and see what comes from that. He wasn't there so we started walking up the valley to see how far we could go in the palmerie. As it turned out, we found our way the 5 kms or so to the gorge without too many problems. Crossing the river several times over palm bridges we wended our way through the fertile fields along narrow paths which separate small gardens full of crops. We passed through old ksours, so run down you wouldn't believe people still live in them. The valley grew narrower as we reached the top and arrived at the popular tourist destination of the Todra gorge. It wasn't too busy and we ambled through the 1000 ft high cliffs without any nuisance from touts which was lovely. We sat by the side of a natural spring which is the source of the river which passes our campsite, taking in the heady atmosphere of this huge crack in the mountains. Returning via the road, we said many hellos to all sorts of friendly folk and were even offered a lift by a passing Moroccan which we politely refused. As the sun set, we called in on the little chap we met yesterday in his garden. To say hello and to give him a set of photographs of himself we took yesterday. He hid them in a crack in a tree and then found a piece of paper in a hole in the wall which had his address written on. We said our goodbyes.
Today, through asking the help of a fellow camper, we got to know Burkhart and Sabina. I needed a grease pump which I had forgotten and they looked like the sort of people who would carry one. Before using the pump we found ourselves chatting for hours. We four have had many experiences and are receptive to our shared life's stories. They have become travellers for the last seven years throughout Africa, India and and Arabia and have been documenting their experiences, which have grown from a slide show and a blog to a full blown web site and an income to support their passion. All grown out of being alive and having a purpose which changes every day as the sun rises but remains a focal point for the duration. Lovely people sharing stories with lovely people! We are all lovely people! If you would like to follow their journey's, go to and let google translate it for you , it's in German. And if you've found my blog interesting theirs will blow you away! Maybe our blog will grow too with time.?
We spent the evening with them in their huge vehicle, finding many topics of shared interest and enjoying these openly unassuming folks company.
Like them, we will move on tomorrow to see what comes next. For us, we head towards Marrakech to pick up Adam on Sunday. We will be there Adam!
Lots of love to you all
Ted and Krysia

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