Sunday 27 March 2011

The longest days

So here I sit in A campsite in Marrakech, wondering to myself how to put the adventures of the last three days into one blog. Its the first opportunity I've had to write and its quite an adventure to tell!
On the Thursday24th we took a road from Skoura, near Ouazarzate to cross the High Atlas Mountain range. We knew it was a small road but had had it on 'good ' advice that it was a sound route. It soon became obvious that a small road through the Atlas is not for the faint hearted! We've not driven a road like this before and concentration was high. It's a one track road so we were lucky that traffic was non existent! The evidence of landslides were constant and we were relieved that the weather was fair. Over passes and back down into valleys we hoped each climb was the last before reaching our destination. And then, while climbing a steep section of hairpin bends, it happened! The van started shuddering and loosing power. Something was wrong and we were about to breakdown which we did! She spluttered around a few more bends before coming to a halt. A fuel problem I thought and we tried to gather ourselves together to try and find the fault. We were on a bend which had just enough space to park so called action and busily we both jumped to the task at hand.
I haven't bled the fuel system for a while on the merc but I knew what to do, I tried to undo a small glass fuel filter to see if dirt was in the fuel and I broke it. Horror of horrors, I've made things worse but something had to be done, we're about 7000ft high and 30 miles from the nearest town! We're in trouble!
So this is how it went: A man in car stopped another man in a car who took us to the local town 30 miles away. He left a monk in our van for safe keeping! As you do ! He phoned ahead for a mechanic to meet us at Demnate who was there when we arrived an hour later, 7 ish pm. Mustafa speaks Morrocan so two lads, Mohamed and Tarik, came along to translate and give moral support. The same man, Abdul, Took us back up into the mountains with Mustafa and co following behind. What a drive! At the van, Mustafa got to work and repaired the broken glass filter with araldite before reassembling the now cleaned filter and with difficulty, eventually started our lovely van. We all jumped for joy, shouting with delight yes, yes, yes she's started! The offending dirty fuel is most likely the very same fuel I bought in the mountains two days ago! From the pipe coming out of the mud wall! what a fool I was but its so easy in hindsight to judge. The journey back to flat ground was eventful with the van often spluttering with difficulty. Mohamed, a charming lad of 23, kept our spirits high with constant joy and contempt to problems, ' Its not a problem' he kept smiling at us, 'Mustafa will fix your van , no problem' ' just a little problem, thats all! ' So we joined in his spirit and at 1 am we arrived at his mothers house, where food and beds were waiting for us! They are lovely people and we all eat around the table with Krysia and I dazed and very tired. This was the end to a very long day.
Friday 25th March.
now starts the day of enormous hospitality. Of kindness and spirit of a sort We've not experienced before. Today, Mustafa replaced all fuel filters and cleaned the fuel tank! It took the best part of the day and we were taken care of by Mohamed his mum Rachida and the ever increasing family members that kept on appearing in this small group of humble dwellings in the countryside of Attouia near Marrakech. They are a farming based people with very strong family ties. They are delighted to help us and feed us constantly with happiness and cous cous! We are overwhelmed with kindness. Confused by their naturally generous customs, we are not in debt to them, they are honoured to have us as their guests in our time of need. We are in their hands and are confused by such generosity. We are very tired and need to recover, yet the constant chat and many meals keep coming and we need to sleep. Mustafa turns up with the van and we are delighted, Its fixed and he doesn't seem to want any money for all his help????? Give me strength, let me pay for your help, please. So I give him 50 quid and he receives it gracefully.
Krysia has her hands and feet henna'd! As you do, a beautiful job. One of the many events that serve to draw these last 24 hours out into seemingly weeks!!!! In just one day! We insist on sleeping in the van and finding our space. Another very long day.
Saturday 26th, We have to leave today as Adam arrives in the morning at the airport. Not before a full day of events including a Haman and some shooting practice. We left at 7 pm, far to late in the day really but the drive was straight and we were parked up by 9 pm. We need to be alone as living in such intense hospitality is very tiring. Yet we will never forget the nature of these good people and in fact will take Adam to meet them!
Its a warm sunny afternoon and both Krysia and Adam are asleep, I am glad to have had this chance to write the blog as these last few days have been the most demanding and delightful of the trip so far. We are glad to be alive and well, with good health and good friends. We wish all of you the same grace in life.
lots of love
The wild and daring but at times a little bit silly Beynons

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