Sunday 30 January 2011

Time to get into blogs as we leave in only a week or so

The Moroccan trip is planned and all that can stop us is weather, war or ill health. None of these are planned and are unlikely to take away another opportunity at going with the wind and taking each day as it comes, an adventure. If last years trip is anything to go by, its going to be another trip of a lifetime. Each one different, new faces, places and obstacles to overcome. We're alive and are going to be just that!
Its going to start, well already has in preparation, start it will though by saying our goodbyes to mum and then Jaimie who is 22 this coming saturday. We'll leave Swansea on monday or teusday for Bristol where we'll share a birthday love-in at our sweet jaimies groovy pad! Her and storm together we shall wine and dine and smile and shed a tear as we leave for the wednesday morning ferry, Insha'Allah. If all this goes according to plan, its Santander and on due south to the warmer regions of southern spain. Again, weather will be our master as its rather chilly this time of year and anything could happen. Thats the whole point. Hopefully it'll all be happening stuff and if its not, we'll just have to make the most of it, wherever we are.
Here's to blogging and many internet connections on the way.